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Granulated organic fertilizer from chicken manure

Granulated organic fertilizer from chicken manure

ул. Днепровская 1/16 – Zaporiyia – Ucrania+380975776324Facebook
Industria > Productos médicos, farmaceúticos, veterinarios, cirugía láser...
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The fertilizer is used for growing plants of all kinds of crops in all climatic zones, flowers, fruit, ornamental, and fruit crops, for growing seedlings of all types of vegetable, flower and berry crops, for indoor and ornamental plants, pot plants, ornamental lawns.
The content of nutrients: total nitrogen (N)- 4%, total phosphorus (P2 O5 ) – 3%, total potassium (K2 O) – 3%, magnesium (Mg O) – 2%, calcium (Ca O) – 3,4%, organic matter – 85%.

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Granulated organic fertilizer from chicken manure
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